Add Length and Girth to Your Penis With Dr. Dellinger of Elysian Plastic Surgery

Speaker 1: 

Welcome back to the Armor Men’s Health Hour with Dr. Mistry and Donna Lee .

Dr. Mistry: 

Hello and welcome to the Armor Men’s Health Hour. I’m Dr. Mistry, your host , delivering a action packed, information filled hour . I’m a board certified urologist, and I’m here with my amazing office manager, partner in crime, and cohost, Donna Lee.

Donna Lee: 

And friend .

Dr. Mistry: 

Yes, that’s right . We are friends.

Donna Lee: 

I’m super excited about this segment.

Dr. Mistry: 

You know, what’s funny is…

Donna Lee: 

My husband’s listening right now.

Dr. Mistry: 

…sometimes you do this show without me, but I can’t do this show without you.

Donna Lee: 


Dr. Mistry: 

Because you have the microphones .

Donna Lee: 

That’s right. I have all the equipment in my purse.

Dr. Mistry: 

You’re doing big shout out to our friends at KLBJ news radio for being a wonderfully openminded about this show.

Donna Lee: 

That’s true. Thanks, Daniel.

Dr. Mistry: 

We’ll see, we’ll see how today goes.

Donna Lee: 

It might be our last week on KLBJ.

Dr. Mistry: 

And for those of you that listen to the show , uh , while you’re driving in the car, but then want to catch up on episodes that you haven’t heard, you can get us on our podcast everywhere. Armor A-R-M-O-R Men’s Health. You can get it wherever you get your podcasts.

Donna Lee: 

I think it’s so cool you can go to iTunes and hear us and tell Alexa at home.

Dr. Mistry: 

You can. It is unfortunately a really important part of my self worth now.

Donna Lee: 

Me, too.

Dr. Mistry: 

So, so please, honey, would you please — my wife that is–would you please go download another three huindred times?

Donna Lee: 

The only time you called me after 8:00 PM on a weekday is when we had 1400 downloads. Like , “Why is he calling me?”

Dr. Mistry: 

I’m so excited. You know, one of the great things about this show, Donna Lee, is that what Kelly, our kind of KLBJ manager here says is that this is the most time that a lot of patients will get with a urologist. And after I see how a lot of urologists treat their patients, I mean, really 60 minutes really is a long time. I thought, you know, I really try and take advantage of this time to really in-depthly talk about things that patients may not think about or know about, or really feel embarrassed about. As a continuation of a previous segment, we have again welcome Dr. David Dellinger from Elysium Plastic Surgery, our partner in genital plastic surgery, join us.

Donna Lee: 

Wellness. Genital wellness.

Dr. Mistry: 

That’s right. Thanks a lot, David. Thanks for joining us.

Dr. Dellinger: 

Thank you for inviting me.

Dr. Mistry: 

You know, one of the things that we work on together is a very unique approach to helping men increase the girth of their penis. It is not for us to really, really, really look deeply and question men’s desires for why they want it, why they want to have it. I mean, but sometimes, I mean, you know, these things come in varieties and some men would like to overcome what maybe, you know, genetics gave them and get something that looks better and feels more comfortable.

Dr. Dellinger: 

It certainly is a very personal choice. You know, we do talk a lot about people’s motivations, you know, guy’s motivations for wanting to come do this. And I’ve kind of put it down to the fact that, you know, whatever your penis size is , there’s probably related how much money you have in the bank–no matter how much you have, you always wish you had a little bit more, right?

Dr. Mistry: 

You can never be too thin, too rich or…

Donna Lee: 

…too handsome.

Dr. Mistry: 

And so , you know, for a lot of men, this idea of a genital enhancement is not going to be a life threatening one, but certainly can really impact their self esteem, how they feel when they’re undressed, and kind of, you know, how they perceive themselves when they’re both sexually intimate , as well as just kind of how they’re being looked at by others.

Dr. Dellinger: 

And this is true. I think that whether you want to admit it or not, that there’s a lot of information in the media that has to do with masculinity and penis size and whether it’s true or not, whether it has their ability to impact, you know, being able to have satisfaction with their partners, so it is a great deal of focus. It’s one of those things that previously is just not been talked about, but now people are talking about it, especially thanks to the miracle of the internet.

Dr. Mistry: 

The joke on the internet is when you get lots of spam, you’re being offered pills that give you penile enhancement kind of benefits, but there’s no pill, right?

Dr. Dellinger: 

There’s nothing out there, you know, chemically that you’re, especially that you’re going to buy over the counter, that’s going to be able to help. Obviously, I’m sure you write lots of Cialis and Viagra prescriptions, and yes, those can help, but they’re not going to help with, you know, length or girth.

Dr. Mistry: 

And, you know, interestingly enough, a lot of men worry about what their penis looks like when it’s erect, but a lot of men worry about how girthy and long it looks when it’s flacid. I have so many men that kind of try to explain away things when they’re getting a vasectomy, you talk about how their shows , not growers. You know, we offer something that both improves the girth and the appearance of the penis, both in the flacid, as well as the erect state.

Dr. Dellinger: 

Yes, yes. It definitely can. Certainly with enhancement does achieve more of a ” shower” type of appearance versus the “grower.”

Dr. Mistry: 

In the past, some things that haven’t really worked are harvesting fat from other areas and injecting into the penile shaft. Also just like laying in the tissue like AlloDerm or some kind of false kind of tissue also hasn’t been as successful because the body kind of reacts to that tissue and you can end up with kind of not the best cosmetic and functional outcome, right?

Dr. Dellinger: 

And certainly, they’re much more invasive, more aggressive procedures requiring more anesthesia. The results have less outcome. I mean, we do fat grafting all the time and plastic surgery, whether it’s Brazilian butt lifts or to faces, there are some practices do fat grafting to the breast. You know , results that I’ve seen have not been particularly good in terms of, I would want to adopt fat grafting as part of my practice.

Dr. Mistry: 

I think another difference between the penis and other parts of the body is the fact that the penis gets erect. So the underlying tissue in the penis changes from soft hard, from soft to hard. So if you put something over it to make it more girthy, it’s going to change its appearance, you know, as you get an erection.

Dr. Dellinger: 

And this is very true. And also you have to graft a significantly larger amount of fat then you think you’re going to need, because you may lose 50% or more of the fat that’s grafted, and patients can be very disappointed, but the fact that they start out thinking things are going pretty well, and then you lose half or more of what’s been added.

Dr. Mistry: 

Women more and more are getting fillers: fillers, put into their lips, put into the creases of their, of their face , and other things to kind of overcome the effect that skin thinning or muscular or fat thinning in the face might have. And so it’s that same filler technological advancements that really helped propel the kind of enhancement that we do, right?

Dr. Dellinger: 

Yes, that’s correct. It’s a very similar to other products, but it’s the next step forward in fillers.

Dr. Mistry: 

Maybe you could describe what , what makes up the filler and then kind of the process of how we put it in.

Dr. Dellinger: 

It’s basically a small amount of an ultra high purified medical grade silicone oil that’s a similar to a product that’s used for ocular or eyeball injections, which see if we can put it in your eyes, it’s probably safe to put in your penis. Also used maybe with another product called carboxy methylcellulose, which has been used with filler products for many, many years.

Dr. Mistry: 

It’s kinda like the vehicle that it drives that silicone in, right?

Dr. Dellinger: 

Yes, that’s correct. And the combination of the two is what sets up this stimulation or slight inflammatory process, and which leads to the growth of new tissue into the area to replace the CMC.

Dr. Mistry: 

It’s really important that you make that distinction. So we’re not just taking and just sticking some rocks underneath the skin or just something feeling the skin that can go away or can mold and like it like a gel, we’re really putting something in there that ultimately will build up the tissue and give you more girth that that’ll stick around.

Dr. Dellinger: 

Oh yeah, that’s correct. That’s obviously you don’t really want to put something in such as a highly erotic product. People can do and it works, but you’re also kind of watching it dissolve slowly over the next 12 to 18 months and the money you’ve invested into this and the time and the effort just goes away.

Dr. Mistry: 

And so when we do this, what kind of anesthetic can a person expect to receive?

Dr. Dellinger: 

Usually we start out with a topical numbing cream and we put on for about 45 minutes and that usually makes the entire area completely numb. I do add a little bit of local anesthetic, which patients should feel a little, if nothing, at that point, then we can add the product and the product

Dr. Mistry: 

It through like a needle that’s put in through the skin, right to the right layer above the erectile bodies in between the muscle of the penis.

Dr. Dellinger: 

Yes. We use a lot of use several syringes , similar to like insulin syringes, where we can just put tiny little bits in at a time to slowly kind of build up the area until we can sort of add enough product to get a optimum result.

Donna Lee: 

For both before and after effects, what’s the percentage of growth. What do you notice?

Dr. Dellinger: 

Typically speaking if for the average male in the United States, that’s about five and a half inches in erect length in four and a half inches in erect girth, if they can increase their circumference by three quarters of an inch to an inch, they’re probably going to improve their volume by anywhere between 32% to 38% with one treatment.

Donna Lee: 

Wow, wow! Hear that Michael?

Dr. Mistry: 

Guess what you’re getting for Christmas, Michael . And so when people get this done, they’re able to drive home. There’s some effects that are immediate and some that are, that take some time to develop, right, in terms of that inflammatory response.

Dr. Dellinger: 

Yes. And there will be some swelling from the procedure, some bruising, but most patients find that they have very little to no pain other than just what Tylenol will take care of.

Dr. Mistry: 

Now, how much can people expect to pay?

Dr. Dellinger: 

Right now to do the shaft portion, the main portion is $5,400. If they do the glans or the head at the same time, it’s an additional $1200, about 70% of patients do both. And that would be $6,600 for both.

Dr. Mistry: 

And if they want to call you to make an appointment, they can call us at (512) 238-0762 or call Dr. Dellinger’s office directly at (512) 229-1978. You know, I think that you and I need to put some webinars together and really educate people on this sometime shortly. Don’t you think?

Dr. Dellinger: 

Oh, I agree. Definitely.


That’s right. Our email addresses, that’s armormenshealth @ gmail .com and I’ll respond to their emails . Well, thank you guys so much for joining us and stick around. The Armor Men’s Health Hour will be right back. If you have questions for Dr. Mistry, email him at a